Catching Games


1. Catch & Step

Pairs stand opposite each other 2 yards apart. They toss the ball between themselves on the instructor’s command. On completion of a successful catch, the catcher takes a step backward. After a pre-determined time (3-4 minutes), the pair with the greatest distance between them is the winner.

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2. Catching Caterpillar

Split participants into two even teams. Each team should split into pairs, facing opposite each other in a line, arm length apart. Ball is then tossed underarm in a zig-zag fashion down the length of the line. Once a player has tossed the ball they run around behind the caterpillar to join the end of the line. The caterpillar ‘moves’ in this fashion toward a designated finish line.

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3. Catching Crossfire

Participants are split into pairs, and form one big circle standing opposite their partner. Each pair has a ball, and on the instructor’s command, pass the ball between themselves across the circle. If either player drops the ball they get an ‘out’. The team with the least number of outs after a predetermined period wins.

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4. Catching Tennis

Create a grid of two or four squares. Use stumps as a ‘net’. Split participants into the same number of groups as there are squares. Ball is thrown underarm over the ‘net’ (stumps), to land in an opponent’s square. Opponents must catch the ball before it hits the ground. If the ball hits the ground, a point is scored by the throwing team.

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5. Creative Catching

Time to have some extra fun with catching! Split participants into pairs and have them stand opposite each other, each with a cone and they take turns in throwing the ball to each other and catching the ball with the cones. Can be made harder without cones or easier with a scorcher ball.

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6. Traffic Catching

Split participants into two or four groups. Set cones in a grid and have each group stand in a line behind one cone, facing another group. On instructor's command, the person at the front of each line runs through and passes the ball to the person at the front of the opposite group, and joins the end of their line. The player receiving the ball repeats the action. Instructor to increase the difficulty of the passing activity as the game goes on.

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Throwing Games


7. Clear your end zone

Participants are split into two groups. On the instructor’s command, players try to clear their ‘End Zone’ of balls by throwing, rolling, or bowling them across the safe zone, into their opponents end zone. After a set period (2-3 minutes), the team with the most balls in their zone loses.

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8. Skill Races

A series of skill and target activities are set-up. Participants have a ball and can choose the order in which they attempt each activity. Once they complete all activities successfully, they return to the start. First person finished is the winner. Multiple rounds can be conducted with different activities. Encourage participants to have a hand in creating the activities.

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9. Guard the Boundary

Participants are split into two teams. Each team spreads out in an area between a line of cones and a rope. Teams attempt to roll balls over their opponents rope to score a point. Participants field the ball to prevent them going past their rope. Once all balls have passed the boundaries, the score is tallied.

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10. Pairs Target Throwing

Split participants into pairs. Have them stand opposite each other at an appropriate distance apart (safety first). Pairs take turns throwing overarm at a target that is placed in between them. Players get a point for hitting the target. Pairs can compete against each other, or as a team, against the other pairs.

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11. Scorcher Ball

Split participants into two even teams. Have each team stand behind their dedicated rope or line of cones set approximately 12-20 yards apart. Each player has a ball, and on the instructor’s signal, throw overarm at the scorcher ball placed in between both teams. Players are trying to make the scorcher ball roll across their opponent’s rope to score a point.

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12. Shooting Stars Minute to win it

Participants are each given a ball and split into two groups, half on each side of the area behind their designated rope or line of cones. Several targets are set up between the two groups. Everyone is on the same team and on the instructor’s command they try and knock over the targets in under a minute.

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